Standards search (orders at

Legal and regulatory framework

The Hellenic Organization for Standardization was established in 1976 as a Legal Entity governed by Private Law of non-profit character, subsidized by the State and supervised by the Minister of Industry.

Under Law 4109/2013, ELOT was transformed and incorporated as an independent functional unit in the established Legal Entity with the name “National Quality Infrastructure System (NQIS)”.
The National Quality Infrastructure System is a Legal Entity governed by Private Law, belongs to the wider public sector, has administrative and financial autonomy, operates in the public interest and is supervised by the Minister of Development.

The “Hellenic Institute of Metrology” and the “Hellenic Organization for Standardization” are incorporated in the NQIS as independent functional units with administrative, financial and accounting autonomy.


Article 6 of Law 4109/2013 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 16,23.1.2013), as amended is valid with Article 46 of Law 4155/2013 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 120/29.5.2013), Article 15 of 4242/2014 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 50/2014), Articles 1-10 of Law 4468/2017 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 61 of 28 April 2017) and Article 32 of Law 4712/2020 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 146/29-07-2020).

The Operating Regulation was adopted by Joint Ministerial Decision No 114027/2021 of the Ministers for Development and Investment, of Interior and of Finance (Government Gazette, Series II, No 5065/02-11-2021). 

The Financial Management and Procurement Regulation was adopted by Joint Ministerial Decision No Φ.051/10341/487 of the Ministers of Finance, for Development and Competitiveness and of Interior (Government Gazette, Series II, No 2547/24.9.2014). 


a) “Hellenic Organization for Standardization” (ELOT), which was established by article 1 under Law no. 372/76 (Government Gazette A’ 166), whose objectives and competences and
Regulations of Committees and Standards remain valid.

At national level, the operation of standardization is regulated by the following two Regulations

  1. Regulation on the drafting and issuing of Hellenic Standards and Specifications, which defines the fundamental principles and the procedure to be followed by the Hellenic Organization for Standardization (ELOT) in the drafting and issuing of purely Hellenic standards and specifications as well as in the preparation and adoption, as Hellenic, of European and/or International Standards and normative documents (Decision No. 69-03/2003-11-19 of the Board of Directors of ELOT S.A.), and
  2. Regulation on the Establishment and Operation of ELOT’s Technical Bodies for Standardization, which regulates the establishment, composition and operation of the technical bodies used by ELOT for the creation of Hellenic Standards and the general achievement of the objectives of Standardization (Decision No. 464/2005-10-19 of the Board of Directors of ELOT S.A.).

Information Centre PD 81-2018

Presidential Decree 81/2018 (Government Gazette 151/A/21-8-2018) “Incorporation into Greek law of Directive (EU) 2015/1535 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 September 2015 (OJ L 241, 17.9.2015, p.1) “on the establishment of an information procedure in the field of technical specifications and rules on information society services (codified text)” b) the “Hellenic Institute of Metrology” (HIM), established by article 1 of Law no. 2231/1994 (Government Gazette A139) and continues to have the purposes and powers provided for by the founding provisions; and Article 41 of Law 4155/2013 as in force for the National Time


  • Public sector Law 3429/2005 as in force.
  • Census (Register of Human Resources of the Greek State) and Establishment of the Single Payment Authority (SPA) Law 3845/2010 as in force
  • Registry of General Government Entities – Hellenic Statistical Authority Article 50 of Law 3943/2011 as in force

  • Selection of Public Sector Administrations Law 4735/2020 as in force

  • Recruitment – Staffing: Law 2190/1994 on recruitment through AΣEP as in force and Laws 4590/2019 and 4622/2019 on recruitment planning in the public sector as in force and Law 4440/2016 on the Unified Mobility System – Digital Organization Chart as in force

  • Salary scale Law 4336/2015, article 2, paragraph D, sub-paragraph D9 Expenses of Moving within and outside the Territory as in force and Law 4354/2015 on the Unified Salary Scale as in force

  • Government supplies: Law 4412/2016 on Public Contracts, Works and Supplies as in force