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Standardization regulatory framework

Standardization is governed by specific principles and follows procedures that ensure adherence to those principles.
At European level, Regulation (EU) no. 1025/2012 establishes the institutional framework for cooperation between European standardization bodies, national standardization bodies, Member States and the Commission.
At national level, standardization is regulated by the “Regulation on the Development and Establishment of Greek Standards and Specifications” and by the “Regulation on the Establishment and Operation of Technical Standardization Bodies”.


  • Regulation of Technical Standardization Bodies regulates the establishment, formation and operation of the technical bodies utilized by ELOT for the development and establishment of Greek Standards, while
  • Regulation of Standards defines the fundamental principles and the procedure that must be observed and followed by ELOT during the

a) the development and publication of purely Greek standards and specifications,
b) the development and adoption, as Greek, of European standards and standardization documents (CEN, CENELEC, ETSI), and
c) the development of international standards and standardization documents (ISO IEC) and their possible adoption as national standards.

Additionally, all participants in standardization activities (members of technical standardization bodies, experts, etc.), are committed to complying with the “Code of Ethics for members of Technical Standardization Bodies (TSBs) and experts participating in standardization projects” where issues related to ethics of participation in technical meetings, unfair competition practices, intellectual property rights, etc., are covered.